Beginnings are a funny thing. They can make you terrified and excited all at the same time. (Think that back-to-school feeling or first date butterflies.) Whether we like them or not, beginnings are inevitable. Beginnings only last for a short time, and then the beginning turns gradually into something less new and maybe less uncomfortable. I have thought about starting a blog, but have never done anything about it, until now…
So I finally took that leap of faith, and I am in that exciting, humbling, and slightly awkward beginning phase of blogging. Bouquets and Baguettes is a place where I can document my life as a foodie and dietitian-in-the-making, and share happiness in finding the simple, beautiful joys in life. Sometimes there will be recipe or nutrition posts, and other times, I may just share some of my photography and the thoughts on my mind. My hope is that when you come here, you learn and smile, and when you leave, you feel inspired and joyful!
Here is to the beginning of Bouquets and Baguettes!
Xo, Alexandra
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